Peugeot Boxer Vehicle dimensions Peugeot Boxer Vehicle dimensions

Peugeot Boxer Vehicle dimensions

4 Min. Lesezeit

In this article we have summarized the Peugeot Boxer dimensions for you. The basis for every interior design.


To give you the smoothest possible start to your individual interior project, we have compiled the dimensions of all available Peugeot Boxer models.

Disclaimer: VanMe is not responsible for the correctness and completeness of the content presented. All information without guarantee. After handing over the vehicle, we will professionally measure your interior with a laser so that we can take any deviations into account in the planning.

Peugeot Boxer year of construction 2006 to today

Peugeot Boxer dimensions vehicle dimension sheet
L1/H1 L1/H2 L2/H1 L2/H2 L4/H2 L4/H3 L5/H2 L5/H3
A Wheelbase (mm) 3000 3000 3450 3450 4035 4035 4035 4035
B Vehicle length (mm) 4963 4963 5413 5413 5998 5998 6363 6363
C Load compartment length (mm) 2670 2670 3120 3120 3705 3705 4070 4070
D Load compartment width (mm) 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870 1870
E Load compartment height (mm) 1662 1932 1662 1932 1932 2168 1932 2168
F Vehicle height (mm) 2254 2522 2254 2522 2522 2760 2522 2760
G Between wheel arches (mm) 1422 1422 1422 1422 1422 1422 1422 1422
H Length overhang (mm) 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1015 1380 1380
Load volume (m3) 8 9,5 10 11,5 13 15 15 17
Roof load (kg) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

The Peugeot Boxer dimensions in individual interior fittings

The Boxer is the absolute space miracle on the vehicle market and therefore offers maximum space for individual interior fittings.

The interior of the Boxer is practically square. The base area is rectangular and is barely cut into by the vehicle contour from floor to ceiling. This is made possible by very straight outer walls and a vehicle roof without a slope. The vehicle has a very short front end, making the ratio of overall length to load compartment length the largest on the market.

The Boxer is available in four different lengths and three different heights. Height 2 is the ideal basis for an individual interior conversion, as it offers standing height and still allows a roof with a sufficient roof load for roof racks or pop-up roofs.

For a pop-up roof, the Boxer must be at least length 2. A Boxer with a height of 3 is supplied with a GRP high roof. A GRP high roof offers maximum height but does not allow any installations on the roof apart from roof hatches as a GRP roof releases zero kilos of roof load.

Would you like to compare different vehicles? Click here for the article for the Mercedes Sprinter or the Fiat Ducato.

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